How to create a moving Tentacle using Procedural animation.
Views: 1963 |
| by Slicer
Maya - Animation
Learn the ins and outs of Non-Linear animation in Maya.
Views: 1697 |
| by Nick
Maya - Animation
This will cover modeling the hand, starting with a polyCylander.
The following concept overview will be covering Wrap Skinning for the purpose of actual muscle/bone deformation of the skin.
In this tutorial we will be creating an IK setup, controls, and skinning for a little kitty.
The character setup outlined in the tutorial delivers a simplistic character 'rig' geared towards run time performance first and control...
For gaming and simulation most characters (especially bipeds) have multiple animation cycles involving their legs: walking, running, creeping, etc....
Maya’s spline IK handle solution to the spine is one solution to work with. However, I have found it better served when working with an...
This tutoral on interparticle collisions and particle - particle collisions is fairly simple. Anyone who is comfortable with using emitters and the...
Views: 1565 |
| by Mark
Maya - Effects
The following concept tutorial will be covering Surface Emitted Particles on SoftBody tenticles to create a spiraling array particle system for...
Views: 1550 |
| by John
Maya - Effects
A short tutorial about the most important things when using PaintFX for creating hair.
Views: 1559 |
| by Daniel
Maya - Effects
This Tutorial will Teach you how to create a Missile Trail using Maya, u will experience The volumetric Cloud Shader, it's surface shading...
Views: 1617 |
| by Steve
Maya - Effects
This is a very simple tutorial demonstrating how to take 2D video footage and composite a 3D animated object in the scene.
Add backlighting to your Maya rendered objects.
A step-by-step tutorial for modeling a human head.
Views: 1823 |
| by Marry
Maya - Modeling
Here is an 'updated' temporary solution if you are trying to raytrace a scene that has file textures with transparency, casting shadows.
Cool, now you've created this beautiful model, but something's missing. You can see it but don't know how to get you model to look...
Ok! Another Tut for exploring the RenderMan capabilities via MtoR. This time we're going to work with shadow passes for compositing purpose.
This tutorial will show you a technique for reducing rendering times in MtoR/RenderMan.
This time we're going to animate parameters in the shaders control window.