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How To Use Refactoring To Handle Multiple Versions of Classes

How To Use Refactoring To Handle Multiple Versions of Classes

Recently, I had a requirement to put together a website that deals with taking somewhat elaborate financial surveys. While the questions and...

Views: 1462 | Rating star | by Mathew

Create HTML Image Maps Dynamically With .NET

Create HTML Image Maps Dynamically With .NET

I've been working on a financial reporting project lately and came upon the idea of bringing our charts from ChartFX.NET to life. The idea...

Views: 1304 | Rating star | by Ben

Hierarchical Relationships Without DataRelation Object in ADO.NET

Hierarchical Relationships Without DataRelation Object in ADO.NET

At my place of employment, I work a great deal with somewhat complex hierarchical data as part of our measurement and analysis software. Thus,...

Views: 1446 | Rating star | by Simon

Creating Dropdown list control from Datasource

Creating Dropdown list control from Datasource

We will create a custom dropdown conrol using a datasource. This code provides us to fill a dropdrown list using a datasource. This code also...

Views: 1335 | Rating star | by Colin

Inserting a Common Navigation Using .Net

Inserting a Common Navigation Using .Net

This tutorial covers one option for including a common header and footer into your HTML pages without having to modify the html page itself....

Views: 1469 | Rating star | by Sarah

Counting Records In ASP.NET

Counting Records In ASP.NET

The following source code displays count of all records in a database. We will use a data command to execute an SQL statement that will return with...

Views: 1313 | Rating star | by Amy

Database Access Within an Assembly

Database Access Within an Assembly

We can easily connect a database server within an assembly. After we compile this source code you can access your database provider. In tis source...

Views: 1377 | Rating star | by Isac

Introduction to Microsoft's .NET Platform

Introduction to Microsoft's .NET Platform

This article briefly describes Microsoft.NET, ASP.NET, C#, VS.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET, XML Web Services, VISUAL J#.

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Amy

Generating Random Number Using RND Function And Randomize Statement

Generating Random Number Using RND Function And Randomize Statement

We will use RDN function to generate a random number. Our first example generates a random number between 1 ~ 10.

Views: 1433 | Rating star | by Brad

Generating Serial Code For Your Applications

Generating Serial Code For Your Applications

In this article we will generate a random serial code for our applications. The script will generate a similiar serial code to use in a real...

Views: 1415 | Rating star | by Daniel

How to use GetDirectories

How to use GetDirectories

While working with file system, sometimes we must list all directories in a folder. This sample shows us how to list all directories in a folder....

Views: 1369 | Rating star | by Mark

Adding text to an image in memory

Adding text to an image in memory

This article covers using the System.Drawing.Bitmap and drawBrush to draw text on a bitmap in memory. You could use this code as a base to create...

Views: 2010 | Rating star 5 | by Sean

Generating Text Images on the Fly with ASP.NET

Generating Text Images on the Fly with ASP.NET

Have you ever needed to have an image of some text generated dynamically on the fly? There are tons of possible applications for this type of...

Views: 1336 | Rating star | by Daniel

Quick .Net File Download Security

Quick .Net File Download Security

In this article we will discuss providing a programmable method of securing files on for your ASP.Net applications. This code could come in handy...

Views: 1343 | Rating star | by Brad

Using CultureInfo to modify output

Using CultureInfo to modify output

Mostly we want to change output results of our applications to another culture setting. In this code sniplet we will format current date time for...

Views: 1318 | Rating star | by Simon

Using ASP.NET Code-Behind Without Visual Studio.NET

Using ASP.NET Code-Behind Without Visual Studio.NET

The author writes 'One of the things that keeps coming up as a benefit of switching to ASP.NET is the ability to use code-behind to separate...

Views: 1244 | Rating star | by Daniel

ASP to ASP+ Migration

ASP to ASP+ Migration

Microsoft is set to release an exciting upgrade to ASP later in 2000. This is a major upgrade unlike the minor changes from ASP 2.0 to 3.0. Unlike...

Views: 1471 | Rating star | by Amy

Replicating Content to Multiple Servers

Replicating Content to Multiple Servers

This article provides one solution for replicating content to multiple share locations. This could be useful where you have a Web application...

Views: 1404 | Rating star | by John

Using the .Net System.Net Class

Using the .Net System.Net Class

In this article we cover using the System.Net class to make an HTTP request and return the status code. In addition, we'll cover handling the...

Views: 1417 | Rating star | by Colin

Integrating ASP.NET XML Web Services with Classic ASP Applications

Integrating ASP.NET XML Web Services with Classic ASP Applications

This article examines how to can create a Web service in .NET and then utilize it from a classic ASP page on your Web server, thereby providing an...

Views: 1303 | Rating star | by Ben