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Active users

Active users

This is a common feature on websites showing that there are x visitors on site at present . This example demonstartes how this is achieved

Views: 977 | Rating star | by Stephen
ASP - Counters

More accurate text counter

More accurate text counter

This is a slightly better version of your standard text counter , this example only increments a count once per session whereas a normal counter...

Views: 913 | Rating star | by Jarry
ASP - Counters

text counter

text counter

This example uses a flat text file to store the count . Shows the basics of file usage in ASP.

Views: 1000 | Rating star | by Isac
ASP - Counters

ASP and current performance values

ASP and current performance values

Want to show current number of users on your ASP page? This article lets you show a way to access IIS/ASP performance values from ASP. Source to...

Views: 904 | Rating star | by Tutorial
ASP - Counters

Creating an ASP-driven Page Counter for HTML Pages

Creating an ASP-driven Page Counter for HTML Pages

This article illustrates a technique to provide dynamic content generated from an ASP page onto a static HTML page. Specifically it explains how to...

Views: 828 | Rating star | by Sarah
ASP - Counters

Impression Counter (With a db)

Impression Counter (With a db)

What's behind an image? Just about anything you there to be including a db. A typical image tag downloads an image to be processed by the...

Views: 886 | Rating star | by Tutorial
ASP - Counters

ASP Hit Counter

ASP Hit Counter

You can count the number of visitors on your site with a very simple ASP code. Create a file Count.asp with the following code and add in the...

Views: 960 | Rating star | by Jarry
ASP - Counters